Pink Hill Chiropractic is located south of downtown Pink Hill, just over the Duplin County line. We welcome the chance to meet you and introduce you to our staff and services. A free consultation session is yours upon request.
Pink Hill Chiropractic
312 W. Broadway St.
Pink Hill, NC 28572
From Kinston: Hwy 11 with Food Lion on your left as you are coming into town- watch your LEFT turn lane that junctions with 241 towards Beulaville the at the only stop light we have - turn RIGHT and that is our street and we are the last building on the right. PLease park in the graveled parking area on the other side of our sign.
From Beulaville: From the light at Bojangles head straigh on 241 towards Pink Hill and turn LEFT at the only stop light in out town. We are located the last building on the RIGHT.
From Kenansville: From 11 & 903 past B F Grady and as you are approaching Pink Hill with the funeral home on your right, plan to take the right side of the fork into Pink Hill and we are located on the immediate left as soon as you get into town. (If you stay left you will be headed to Kinston)
From Goldsboro: The main light in from of McCall's restaurant turn off 70 onto Hwy 111, go straight through the intersection at Seven Springs and when you arrive at the T- Turn left and follow 11 to Pink Hill. we are located on the LEFT as you are entering Pink Hill on the right hand side of the fork.